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Aivree Irvine

After graduating high school in June of 2022 from St. Francis Xavier, Aivree decided to jump right back into learning, but this time learning something she loves, anything camera-related. Being in a family of 6, sharing the middle child role and having a zoo of animals in her home, there is no such thing as quiet. She was born and raised in Edmonton and is proud of her Metis heritage.

Discovering her passion for camera work at a young age and continuing throughout high school, the Radio and Television program at NAIT felt like the perfect place to be. She hopes to find a career in film and film television, doing camera operating, editing or anything else she can do.

She is currently working as a videographer for IC Productions, shooting coaching videos for highschool Football, taking antique photos at West Edmonton Mall and teaching young kids how to carve soapstone.

When she's not doing schoolwork, you can find her drawing, painting miniatures, playing video games, hanging out with friends and nerding out over Dungeons & Dragons.

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