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March 26, 2024

NAIT NewsWatch – March 22, 2024

Tonight on NewsWatch, we learn about an issue that major festivals in Edmonton are facing and sweet lovers might pay more for some well-loved treats. Then, we see a sport that’s taking North America by storm. And if you want to have an idea of what to do in the coming spring, we have some […]

February 27, 2024

NAIT NewsWatch – February 16, 2024

Tonight on NewsWatch, we look at the expansion of the Rainbow Valley Bridge and how the Civic Service Union is demanding better wages. Heading over to sports, we see players from all over the world face off in an international squash tournament. If you missed out on Valentine’s Day we have some sweet ideas to […]

February 13, 2024

NAIT NewsWatch – February 9, 2024

Tonight on NAIT NewsWatch, we look at the debate currently raging over parental rights, and explore the inspiring world of Black-run businesses in Edmonton. After that, we head to sports where the ACAC may be gaining new members from another continent. Then, for all the outdoor enthusiasts, a luxury R.V. show rolls into the city.

February 6, 2024

Alberta’s best college students gearing up for badminton provincials

ACAC badminton players took to the courts on the weekend in the last tournament of the season before provincials. “These tournaments before provincials are really about scoping out the other players. You know, how they play, trying to get an idea of what I need to improve to try to match up better,” said Anthony […]

December 14, 2023

Edmonton sees increase of exotic pets and veterinarians who treat them

The days of owning a typical pet, such as a dog or cat, are changing in Edmonton as the interest in exotic animals as pets increases. Due to the increase in exotic animals as pets, there is now an increase in veterinarians who have a particular interest in working with exotic animals, as well as […]


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