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April 20, 2022

Minister Ien details investments to grow our economy and make life more affordable

The importance of the economy’s growth and strengthening the job market are what Canadians consider to be vital issues. As a little over two years have passed since the COVID-19 pandemic in March, plans to create jobs and build a more fantastic future for Canadians are at the forefront. Marci Ien, Minister for Women and […]

April 20, 2022

Alberta yells ‘Action’ in film industry

Throughout the past century, Alberta has housed hundreds of film productions. The mountains, the seasons, and the epic countryside are only a few elements that continue to attract film productions. A new government incentive – a $70 million tax credit for the film industry without budget caps – encourages filmmakers worldwide to film in Alberta […]

April 13, 2022

Bird watching reaching new heights in Edmonton

The pastime of bird watching has changed a lot over the years. The stereotypical avatar of someone with a Tilley hat, utility vest and knee-high socks has somewhat faded. Alberta is home to over 430 bird species. Dozens of them are common enough that you see them swoop through your backyard or spot on morning […]

April 12, 2022

Q&A: Stephany Levarty, Canada West Foundation, on why youth are leaving Alberta

Picture Alberta. What do you see? Many might imagine landscapes of vast, yellow canola fields, diverse wildlife, and breath-taking sunsets behind the silhouettes of rhythmic oil rigs. Generations have called this province home, but a growing number of youth are moving on to greener pastures (or bigger cities). Since 2016, more youth have left Alberta […]

April 8, 2022

Students financially stressed as inflation rises

Gas prices, food prices, and tuition hikes, oh my! After an announcement at the beginning of this month that tuition prices are set to rise, students have been getting nothing but bad news for their wallets. Now that classes are back in person, students that have to drive to campus are stuck spending more than […]


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