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Teary eyes as long time NAIT instructor retires

By Adam Dalke on April 27, 2023

After 24 years of teaching, NAIT radio and television instructor Stuart Serediuk is putting his camera away.

Serediuk started his NAIT career in 1999, teaching night classes. When one day the morning videography teacher abruptly left the school, Serediuk quickly filled his place and has been working in that position ever since.

Serediuk in class watching student’s work

A positive influence

“He’s one of the most positive guys I’ve ever met,” said Chair of the Radio and Television program Patrick Galenza. “When he stepped in and took over day courses, I new he was a keeper. I’m sad to see him go, but I’m happy for the opportunities he has coming his way.”

Retiring from NAIT is Serediuk fulling a promise he made to himself years ago.

“I told myself that I couldn’t be some sixty-something teaching a bunch of 19 year-olds,” said Serediuk. “It wouldn’t be fair to the students to have some grandpa aged guy at the front talking about stuff in an industry that’s constantly changing weekly. But I’m gonna miss it. It’s fun. It helps keep you young”

Serediuk instructing his students

A love of the job

Serediuk’s taught a lot of students over the years, including some big names like Oilers TV reporter Tony Brar and CBC Associate Producer Lauren Fink, but he doesn’t play favorites.

“It’s an immense source of pride,” Serediuk says. “When I go somewhere and I see any one of my students I go ‘I taught them. They were one of my students.’ and I will defend my grads till the cows come home.”

Serediuk’s final batch of students payed a small tribute to him on the final broadcast of their student run news program, NAIT NewsWatch.

An emotional finale

“On behalf of the whole team Stu, we just want to say a massive thank,” said student Caleb Perreaux in a surprise final salute to his retiring teacher. “Thank you for teaching us how to be professional, and how to do everything else.” The sudden outburst of appreciation left Serediuk in tears.

Serediuk in tears after the last show he will ever direct at NAIT

“I’m so happy for Stu,” said student Mackenzie Mazankowski. “He deserves to retire! But I know he’ll be sincerely missed. I consider myself very lucky to be one of his last students.”

“Retirement for me isn’t stopping working,” said Serediuk. “It’s just not working at NAIT. I’m gonna go get a bunch of part time gigs. I shoot some NHL hockey for Dome Productions and I hope to get a lot more hockey games. I had to turn down eight this year, because my NAIT job took precedence, so I’m hoping to crank that up.”

Serediuk instructing his students to “aim for the future.”



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