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October 20, 2020

NAIT NewsWatch – October 16, 2020

This week on NAIT NewsWatch, Canada is set to ban single-use plastics by the end of next year, and we look at how online classes have affected things like cheating. In sports, we cover the rising popularity of rowing and who the Oilers picked up. Don’t forget about entertainment, tune in to see the new […]

October 15, 2020

University of Calgary studies impact of COVID-19 on student mental health

Researchers from the University of Calgary are examining how Alberta students are handling the COVID-19 pandemic. The study asks youth aged 12 to 18 to share their experiences through an online survey. Alberta Health Services psychologist, Lenny Moffat, supports the study. He says he is noticing new trends in adolescent mental health. “I’ve noticed an […]

October 15, 2020

Winnipeg physiotherapist offers tips for people who sit all day

We have all heard sitting is the new smoking. Since quitting sitting all together is not entirely possible, physiotherapist Elizabeth Schellenberg tells us the dangers of sitting and has some tips on how to stay active and to move throughout the day. “The overall risk of sitting raises your risk for obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular […]

October 15, 2020

NAITSA partners with NIMBUS learning

NAIT is offering students a new tutoring option. It’s called NIMBUS learning. The one-on-one tutoring app replaces NAIT’s tutoring registry. NIMBUS has an integrated calendar for scheduling, tutor profiles and real-time interactive features. NAITSA hopes the new service will improve response times for students needing help. “So as soon as the applicants are coming in, […]

October 13, 2020

NAIT NewsWatch – October 10, 2020

NAIT News Watch is back for another week with a round-up of this week’s biggest news stories. Talk of major layoffs at the U of A, will NAIT be next? Plus, Edmonton’s new housing program to end homelessness and, of course, sports and entertainment.


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