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November 17, 2022

Telus World of Science unveils new exhibit exploring blue whales

The newest exhibit at the Telus World of Science explores the world’s largest animal ever to exist, the blue whale. Out of the Depths: The Blue Whale Story dives deep into the story of nine blue whales who tragically died in the gulf of St.Lawrence in 2014. As a result, the scientists from the Royal […]

November 16, 2022

Edmonton phase 1 parking ban in effect

Phase 1 of Edmonton’s parking ban is taking place in the city as of Tuesday, November 8, 2022. Crews will begin clearing all major roads, such as bus routes, arterial roads, collector roads, and business improvement areas.  “Our priority is to clear the major roads so Edmontonians can move safely to their destinations,” said Val […]

November 8, 2022

NAIT NewsWatch – November 4, 2022

This week on NAIT NewsWatch, we follow the footsteps of young talent looking for career ideas at the Edmonton Expo Career Fair.  We also learn about the meaning behind the purple poppy, and we dive deep into the history of the world’s largest animal, the blue whale.

November 8, 2022

24 electric vehicle charging stations are going up across Edmonton

Epcor Utilities is putting up 24 EV charging stations across the city. They have partnered with the city to select eight convenient locations across Edmonton. This is part of the Energizing Edmonton project that looks to see Edmonton with a greener future.  “We have free charging to help with the adoption of EV’s,” says Michael […]

November 8, 2022

NAIT celebrates $15 million investment into housing apprenticeships

NAIT announced a $15 million investment campaign to address Alberta’s ongoing trades shortage to build homes, on October 18. A Canada Housing and Mortgage Corporation report suggests that the workforce would have to double to match demand and keep prices within reason. The campaign looks to help shorten the time it takes to build homes, […]


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