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The most famous model you don’t know about

By Margie Miranda on June 6, 2019

For years, the mystery of this model has me baffled. I’ve told this story to friends before and they think that I’m losing it or she just looks like someone I know. I wanted to prove them wrong, so I started taking pictures of her.

I guarantee you have seen her once in your life, probably more than that. Here are some of the sightings I’ve captured:

One day, I decided to do my research on her and it didn’t take me long. Her name is Rebecca Givens, a Chinese-Canadian stock photo model. From what I’ve learned, Givens is notoriously press-shy and until very recently was known only by her middle name, Ariane. Things did change when she launched her blog, Radiant Peach.

In one of her few interviews, Givens tributes her success to her look. “I think I’m popular because I have a friendly, non-intimidating, approachable and racially ambiguous look,” she told Top Model Advice. Givens’ mother is Chinese and her father is French-Canadian. She believes she’s the perfect model for any company who wants to appeal to all races.

I can see what she means by frinedly and approachable since most of her photos have such big smiles that is very attractive especially to consumers.

A Givens photo at West Edmonton Mall.

She has billboards all around the world. If you have visited West Edmonton Mall, you have definitely seen her big smile.

Companies and businesses find using stock images easier and cheaper for their advertisements. The stock photo business have been more popular than ever due to the high-demand of ads especially for online marketing.

There are a lot of stock photo models on the rise but something tells me we won’t be seeing the last of Givens for a long while.



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