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Navigating College with the Right Group of Students

By Avery Stenson on December 11, 2024

For new students, coming to college brings millions of concerns: stress, tests, homework and finding time to socialize.

The stress of school will make it a struggle but the secret of NAIT is the students.

Choose your group carefully, some will help you conquer and dominate in your academics, and some will drag you down like an anchor.

There are four categories of these students.



Late texters.

Why not crew.


They know exactly what they’re doing and why they want to do it.

there will never be a late assignment if you manage to work with them.

when you inevitably have no idea what is going on the dedicated students will have your back.

They’ve made this program their number one option and will have the answer to your every question. Usually, because they already asked the professor.


School is dry and stressful and just when you’re starting to think about not showing the goofball is there to bring your spirits right back up and leave you with a smile every day.

Watch out though, once you become friends the strange humour and jokes will latch onto you until you have become a full idiot. Now we need to make sure no one takes us down with them.

Late texter

The first plague of your academic journey will be group assignments. You will always have one member who hasn’t managed to figure out a bus route or how to read a due date in their life.

This member will routinely do nothing or be incredibly late when handing things in, which will cost you marks.

The best thing to do is identify these people and try to avoid them. When this eventually fails, talk to your teacher.

Most people are scared to rat on a fellow student, but your professor will understand you completely.

Why not crew.

This will easily be the most irritating person you’ll ever work with.

This student will leave you in shock as to why they have decided on your program. Whenever you talk, they never show any real interest in your program and will put in a tiny amount of effort.

There is no reason for them to be here and most of us don’t want them here, but they don’t have any other skills so they’re in your program because why not?

School is a stressful nightmare of homework so do your best to associate with the right students and you’ll find a way to succeed together.



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