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Micro-Influencer and Content Creator Kennedy Kircher on making it big in the world of social media

By Nadia Kearl on April 4, 2023

Florida-born Kennedy Kircher has amassed seven thousand followers on Instagram and works as a content creator for New-York based E-Commerce company Catch Creation. 

She spends every workday videoing herself with various products and writing the scripts to be read in said videos. She says, “There’s a certain character quality you need if you want to thrive in social media.” 

Kircher did a Q&A to give insight into how she achieved the career of her dreams, as well as what qualities someone else needs in order to become successful as an Influencer or Content Creator. 

Q: What’s the difference between an Influencer and a Content Creator?

A: “Well, every influencer is a content creator, but not every content creator is an influencer. Essentially, an influencer is someone who has their own following and creates content for their own social media. If someone just refers to themself as a content creator, though, it typically means that they make content for brands to post on their Instagram. They don’t want to be famous or make themself a brand, they just want to make content – the brands are the ones that post their stuff.”

Q: How long did it take you to achieve the feat of seven thousand on Instagram?

A: “I know for me it was like seven or eight months, but for other people, it can take years. Though I did have a friend whose Instagram only took a month to really take off.”

Q: When did you know you really wanted to pursue this as a possible career?

A: “I think when I was a freshman in university during the quarantine for COVID-19, it really hit me that I wasn’t passionate about school and wanted to pursue something related to social media.”

Q: How did you find the courage to keep going when you were in periods of no social media growth?

A: “My growth was actually pretty steady. There wasn’t really one post that skyrocketed my account, so the growth numbers kind of stayed the same for that seven to eight months.”

Q: When and how did you get hired by Catch Creation? 

A: “Well about a year ago they found my Instagram and reached out to me by DM. I did a few one-off videos for them that went really viral, so they hired me to make more content for them on the daily and I’ve been working with them ever since.”

Q: What’s the most challenging part about your job?

A: “I would say finding the motivation to wake up in the morning and work in my room all day is the hardest part. It’s not much different than an office desk job in terms of my hours and what’s expected of me. I work eight hours every day and have meetings and sit at a desk most of the time, the only difference is one of my tasks is filming myself.”

Q: What advice would you give to someone who might want to pursue being an influencer or content creator?

A: “Honestly, just don’t give up. There’s going to be moments where you don’t think you’re going to make it, and times where you just generally doubt your ability to make good content. But you can always learn more and improve; that’s the key to success.”

Kircher plans to continue being an influencer and content creator after she goes to school for marketing at Seminole State College of Florida in the fall.



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