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Wellness dogs give NAIT students a mental break

By Nick Petlock on February 17, 2023

NAIT’s Student Association has launched a new program called PAWSS. The program brings dogs onto the campus to support students’ mental health.

“We bring treats for the dogs that the students can give them, and they can sit and pet them,” said Renata Medeiros, NAITSA’s VP of Academics.

The PAWSS (Pet Assistants with Student Success) program at MacEwan University certifies dogs as wellness dogs. The certification allows the dogs to come to the NAIT campus and provide support to students.

“The dogs are very friendly. That’s why they got certified, so they can just come in and give a hug.”

NAITSA says they usually have around 30 students visit during the two-hour time when the dogs are in the office.

The schedule of the dogs that come and visit is on NAITSA’s social media and website, and gets updated every Monday.



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