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Uniquely Me Fashion Show highlights the beauty in everyone

By Nick Petlock on November 8, 2019

The Edmonton Down Syndrome Society celebrated its 8th annual Uniquely Me Fashion Show and Gala on October 23.

The event showcases how every person born with Down syndrome can live a fun, fulfilling life.

“Well, it raises awareness for people with Down syndrome, and the money goes to our centre for the services that we access,” said Alana Gersky, a volunteer at the event.

Tanya Ponich and Alana Gersky

Alongside local celebrities, people with Down syndrome walked the runway, modelling the latest fashion. The event raised nearly $10,0000.

Honourary chairman, Lyle Best, says it’s always incredible to see the community support for the event. It was eight years ago that the idea for this fashion show came to life.

“Michelle Ponich, who is Tanya’s sister that’s hosting with Josh, she talked to me about an idea about starting to raise money for the Edmonton Down Syndrome Society. We were in Vegas talking about different ideas and Michelle brought up a fashion show and I thought it was a fabulous idea,” says Best.

Lyle Best, Honourary Chairman

The money from the event will go towards lowering costs for speech therapy for children with Down syndrome. As well, support families living in rural and remote communities.

The society supports families in Alberta from Red Deer north, up to the North West Territories.

Uniquely Me is already looking for volunteers for next year’s fashion show.



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