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U of A students help young minds learn at Science FUNday

By Margie Miranda on March 26, 2019

Thousands of kids and kids at heart enjoyed the 75 displays and demonstrations at this year’s Science FUNday.

Science FUNday 2019 was held at the Centennial Centre for Interdisciplinary Science at the University of Alberta, in partnership with Science Fundamentals. Families packed the CCIS building trying out the exhibits. Children got hands-on learning with interactive experiments run by students and grads of the university.

Michael Bautista, Co-Funday Director, says although the event is held one day per year, the preparation for it takes longer than expected.

“So planning for Science FUNday, which happens in March starts in August. We have to assemble our planning community, recruit over 350 volunteers and make sure all of our 75 demonstrations are in order,” Bautista says.

The event aims to educate children about the different branches of science by getting them involved in experiments and models designed by volunteers.

Bautista also credits U of A Faculty of Science for the big support that they had given the students to make Science FUNday happen.

The Faculty of Science is really the backbone of this event. They help us set everything and they assist us with all that we need. This event won’t be possible without them.

– Michael Bautista, Co-FUNday Director

The student-run exhibition has been happening for more than a decade teaching kids about biology, chemistry, paleontology and much more.

Volunteers also toured families in all the laboratories the state-of-the-art building have.

Science Fundamentals is accepting donations to enhance elementary science education using interactive demonstrations.



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