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Students struggle before NAIT’s reading break

By Evan Kenny on March 7, 2019

NAIT’s annual winter Reading Week is a much-needed break for staff and students. With mid-terms hovering before and after the break, NAIT councillors know students will be away from school physically and hope they can do the same mentally.

Mental Health Coordinator at NAIT, Lynn Ryan says the break is about personal time. “The break is for spending time with family and friends. Doing an activity or reading a book. Time for ourselves.”

NAIT’s Student Counselling Centre says it is seeing an influx in students seeking guidance, with appointments filling up days in advance.

For NAIT business student Elliott Herbers the break comes at a time he is struggling to find balance in his life. “School, work and friends. I have no time for any of it. I just want to cry!” said Herbers. “I guess I’m getting ready for mid-terms. I have five classes and tests in three after we get back.” 

Herbers studying for one of his upcoming tests

Many students share Herbers’ feelings.  When asked about plans over the break, the majority of students had the same one-word answer … study.

At the moment, NAIT only has a winter break, unlike many other post-secondaries who also have a fall break. The addition of a second break is currently being discussed.



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