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Province proposes new bill to protect gas station employees

By Nick Petlock on November 10, 2017

Albertans may soon have to pre-pay at all gas stations across the province.

Labour Minister Christina Gray, introduced Bill 19, an act to protect gas and convenience store workers.

In the last three years, five workers have died and three were seriously injured due to gas-and-dash incidents and robberies at gas stations in Alberta. Minister Gray hopes the new bill will prevent these incidents from happening in the future.

“Our hearts go out to all Alberta families impacted by violence in the workplace. Standing behind the till or pumping gas should be safe work: our kids do it, our neighbours do it, our friends do it. That’s how they earn a living, pay for school and feed their families,” said Gray. “When one of these workers are hurt through a gas-and-dash or a robbery, we are shocked, we are saddened and we all feel that to our core.”

The bill includes mandatory pre-payment for fuel as well as implementing violence prevention plans for all gas stations across the province. One of the concerns for this new bill is if, mom-and-pop stores will be able to afford these changes. Gray says that, if pre-payment technology is not available for these smaller establishments, other measures can be put into place. Examples of this would be giving a cash deposit or leaving a credit card with the cashier, before fuelling.

“This will be an adjustment for many retailers in Alberta, our goal is to protect workers, not create hardship for owners,” said Gray.

If passed, the proposed legislation will come into effect June 1, 2018.



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