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Ottawa aims to ban single-use plastics, Alberta has other plans

By Nick Petlock on November 23, 2020

The Trudeau government has declared its intentions to ban some single-use plastics by the end of 2021. The ban comes as part of Ottawa’s goal to reach zero plastic waste by 2030.

Included in the ban are:

  • Stir sticks
  • Straws
  • Plastic grocery bags
  • Six pack rings
  • Plastic cutlery
  • Takeout containers

The announcement comes 24-hours after Alberta’s UCP government revealed plans to improve its own recycling capabilities. The proposal would also put emphasis on investment in plastic production within the province.

Alberta’s Minister of Energy, Sonya Savage, is concerned with the ban. She says it could impact economic opportunity in the province.

“These plastics are going to be manufactured somewhere. If it’s not here in Alberta, it’s going to increase manufacturing in other places. We want it in Alberta because we need it to diversify the economy and create jobs”

“Don’t damage us any further. Stay in your own lane, stay in your own constitutional bounds and let Albertans get back to work,” said Savage.

NAIT’s Chair of Physics, Jocelyn Crocker, supports the ban. She questions the efficiency of Alberta’s plans to focusing on recycling efforts.

“Some of the things they’re looking at banning — plastic straws, stir sticks, plastic cutlery — these are really hard to recycle, partly because of their size.”

According to the federal government, Canadians throw away 3 million tonnes of plastic waste every year. Only nine per cent of that is recycled.



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