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NAIT’s Pride Week kicks off with a colourful parade

By Nick Petlock on March 22, 2019

Staff and students kicked off NAIT’s fifth annual Pride Week with a colourful parade around campus on March 4.  The week-long event is to show support and learn more about the LGBTQ2+ community.

“The types of events we do at Pride Week are about expanding horizons, are about challenging people to think. Whether it’s about diversity and inclusion, or whether it’s about deeper things like gender roles or puritanism,” said Tim Ira, NAIT’s Diversity and Inclusion Coordinator.

As part of the celebrations, NAIT hosted a drag show featuring Homo-Cidal, a local drag group in Edmonton.

“I think NAIT did an outstanding job, the organizers did an incredible job. Beautiful stage, great audience. There was a really great turnout today, it was fantastic,” said Joshua Carter, a performer with Homo-Cidal.

NAIT’s Pride Week began in 2014. Over the years, the celebration has grown. with this year’s turnout the largest so far.



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