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NAIT’s animal blood bank in need of new dog donors

By Nick Petlock on April 25, 2018

12 dogs attended this months animal blood drive at NAIT hoping to help save the lives of dogs in Canada. Every week, the Canadian Animal Blood Bank is short of canine blood across the country.

“Dogs are just like people. They need blood transfusions sometimes,” said Michelle Spurway, Registered Veterinary Technologist.

The Canadian Animal Blood Bank says dogs that make the best donors are:

  • between the ages of one and eight
  • weigh 25 kg or more
  • must be up-to-date on their vaccinations
  • be healthy and even-tempered

The donations they receive go towards helping the lives of dogs across Canada who need surgery or are being treated for trauma or disease. Each donation received can help save at least two lives.

The appointment lasts about 30 minutes. However the actual donation itself takes only three to four minutes. Dogs do not need to be sedated to donate.

NAIT hosts these animal blood drives once a month from August through May and once during the summer. They usually host one event on a Saturday followed by a Monday evening.

There are nine different blood types for dogs but what they test for is either a positive or negative antigen in the blood.

“Negative is the universal donor. We’re always looking for negative blood but we’re absolutely happy to have any blood whatsoever” said Spurway.

Dogs accepted into the program can donate once every three months. New donors must have a registration form filled out by their vet before donating.

NAIT is one of the three satellite collection sites in Edmonton. The Winnipeg-based centre supplies more than 60 units of blood to vet clinics each week.

For more information on whether your dog is eligible to donate visit



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