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NAIT women’s hockey goalie is out of service

By Evan Kenny on February 15, 2019

The NAIT women’s hockey team is facing a challenge that most teams of their calibre do not face. The team is playing with only a starting goalie and no backup.

Ooks starting goalie, Kaitlyn Slaitor

Goaltender, Rene Schmaltz, is being forced out of the lineup due to illness. Schmaltz has not dressed with the team, in a practice or game, since November 24.

“We’re at a bit of a bind right now with the goaltender situation, but [the team] has dealt with it and we’re handling it pretty well. We have a resilient group,” says Thomson.

It is still unknown when Schmaltz will be back with the team. Until then, the Ooks will rely on Kaitlyn Slaitor. This is the first season in the ACAC for Slaitor, and so far she has put up a 1.37 GAA and a .943 SV%, while playing all 20 of the team’s games.

Slaitor in the team’s 3-2 victory over Olds College

Slaitor credits a lot of her success to the girls playing in front of her. “They’re really good out front. It’s easy to play behind a team that’s good in front at minimizing shots and chances.”

With only four regular season games left to play in the season, Slaitor is on pace to be the first ACAC rookie goalie to play a full season as the starting goalie.



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