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Edmonton’s Bear Clan Patrol; The angels of Alberta Avenue

By Nick Petlock on March 19, 2021

Pulling wagons of food, clothes and other essentials, the members of Edmonton’s Bear Clan Patrol walkalong Alberta Avenue. Their mission; to deliver essential gifts to those in need.

Sometimes it’s the necessities of life that we all need. Which is food and water and as well clothing.

Judith Gale, Edmonton’s Bear Clan Leader

Judith is the founder of the Bear Clan Patrol here in Edmonton. After hearing about the original Bear Clan Patrol through social media, she knew she wanted to join.

Originally from Winnipeg, the Bear Clan Patrol has expanded to other places in Canada including Calgary. And after some research, Judith managed to bring Edmonton’s less fortunate, their own Bear Clan Patrol.

Our brothers and sister were the forgotten citizens of Edmonton and so we felt the need to be our brothers’ keepers if you will.

Judith Gale, Edmonton’s Bear Clan Leader

The Bear Clan relies on donations from all over the city including the Foodbank and the Italian Bakery. The Bear Clan also brings hot stew or soup, donated by others to help the patrol bring hot meals to those in need. After running out they have a vehicle on standby to meet them with the new batch.

And it’s not just people on the street who receive their kindness. As they stop at houses, helping those who are no longer on the street but still need the extra support.

The Edmonton Bear Clan patrols every Wednesday and Sunday from 6-9 p.m. And are always looking for more hands to help them carry even more gifts to those in need. People interested in donating or helping can connect with the Edmonton Bear Clan Patrol through their Facebook page.



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