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Edmonton phase 1 parking ban in effect

By Nick Petlock on November 16, 2022

Phase 1 of Edmonton’s parking ban is taking place in the city as of Tuesday, November 8, 2022. Crews will begin clearing all major roads, such as bus routes, arterial roads, collector roads, and business improvement areas. 

“Our priority is to clear the major roads so Edmontonians can move safely to their destinations,” said Val Dacyk, General Supervisor of Infrastructure Field Operations, Parks and Roads Services. 

Crews and equipment will be working 24 hours a day until all major roads in Phase 1 are clear. Motorists are advised to drive to conditions and maintain a safe following distance between vehicles, and give snow and ice clearing crews room to work to get the roads cleared.

“We’re a 24 hour-7 day a week operation, when it snows our crews are out working. Our crews have been out since the snow started falling,” said Val Dacyk, General Supervisor of Infrastructure Field Operations, Parks and Roads Services. 

Vehicles parked on Phase 1 parking ban routes after November 8 may be ticketed and towed at the owner’s expense. Edmontonian’s are encouraged to sign up for the new parking ban notification tool, which gives residents 24hr advance notice of when crews are in the area.

Currently, there are no plans to call a Phase 2 parking ban once the Phase 1 parking ban has been completed, however, snow conditions will continue to be monitored.



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