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Edmonton firefighters now equipped with naloxone kits

By Nick Petlock on February 16, 2017

Whether you’re a health official or a family member of a fentanyl user, the crisis associated with opioids is on everyone’s radar. On February 6th, 2017, a conference was held at MacEwan University to discuss new ways to deal with the epidemic of the opioid crisis. Petra Schulz is one of the panel members who held the conference, she lost a loved one to an opioid overdose. She is part of a network of people called Moms Stop The Harm (MSTH). MSTH imagines a new approach where people who use drugs are treated with respect, compassion, and support.

“Those who don’t absorb the information and still take drugs, we have to teach them how to stay safe. Tell your kids, like I said earlier, don’t ever do drugs alone and don’t ever all do the same thing at the same time; and then if you have a naloxone kit that will get a long way,” said Petra Schulz, member of the MacEwan Panel.

Deaths from fentanyl related overdoses are continuing to grow by an alarming rate in Alberta:

  • 117 deaths in 2014
  • 257 deaths in 2015
  • 343 deaths in 2016

Source: Alberta Health

The province announced on February 7 new steps it’s taking to help prevent opioid overdose deaths. Firefighters will no have access to and be able to administer injectable naloxone.

“The training that Edmonton fire rescue developed in conjunction with Alberta Health Services, will be used as the basis for all training, for all first response agencies across the province,” said Keven Lefebvre, Deputy Fire Chief.

The province also announced $730,000 in funding for communities, like Edmonton, to put towards creating supervised consumption sites.




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