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Edmonton celebrates Métis Week in honour of the Métis nation

By Nick Petlock on November 21, 2023

Métis week is from November 12 to 18 of this year. The City of Edmonton and the Otipemisiwak Métis Government came together at the City Hall for the recognition event of Métis week in the city.

“At the city of Edmonton, we are committed to fostering a constructive government-to-government relationship with the Métis people … We’re blessed to share in the diverse cultural and social contributions that the Métis people and organizations bring to our city every day. And this year’s Métis recognition week is particularly significant as the Métis Nation of Alberta transitions to the Otipemisiwak Métis Government,” said Keren Tang, City Councilor of Edmonton.

Last September, the Métis Nation of Alberta had its election for the first Otipemisiwak Métis Government. This is a historic moment for the Métis people and is a step towards a Métis self-government.

President Andrea Sandmaier explains the significance of Bill C-53. This is a legislation that recognizes Métis self-governments across Canada. It is currently in consideration before the federal parliament.

“It encompasses how we elect our leaders, determine our citizenship, govern ourselves and protect our Métis children. The passage of Bill C-53 will be a historic milestone for the Metis people. It is a recognition we have been pursuing for over two centuries … The government of Canada has already passed nearly 30 pieces of similar legislation for other Indigenous people, but this would be the first for the Métis,” said Andrea Sandmaier, President of the Otipemisiwak Métis Government.

Métis Week is held annually to recognize the sacrifices of the Métis people and their contributions to the city. The Métis flag is up year-round outside Edmonton’s City Hall, symbolizing the city’s commitment to strengthening the relationship with the Métis people.



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