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Edmonton celebrates International Women’s Day

By Nick Petlock on March 15, 2018

March 8 was International Women’s Day, celebrating strides toward equality and the empowerment of women.

The theme this year is “Press for Progress,” encouraging people to take a pledge for change, rather than just engaging in a conversation.

“It’s a day to remember the progress and how far we’ve come to recognize the things that women do every day,” said the Vice Chair of Women’s Advocacy Voice of Edmonton (WAVE) Meghana Valupadas.

“It’s also a call to action that we’re not done yet. We have so much more that we need to do to support women and gender minorities.”

Works of Women Edmonton lit the skyline purple, getting several downtown businesses, the Muttart Conservatory and the Alberta Legislature all to change their colours in support of the movement.

The first International Women’s Day took place in 1911, but the current trajectory of women’s rights still has us nearly 200 years away from full gender parity, according to event officials.

Having a day of awareness is an important step, but according to Works of Women co-founder Melissa Creech, that’s just a kickoff point.

“For us to have a day that has the conversation, it is just a day. So that’s what I think people need to be cognizant of, is if you are putting that pledge down, how are you living that pledge the whole year? Because change isn’t going to just happen on a day,” Creech said.

Information on how you can help #PressForProgress is available on the International Women’s Day website.



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