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Edmonton artist creates mural as a tribute to healthcare workers

By Admin User on March 25, 2021

AJA Louden’s art is no stranger to the streets of Edmonton. This Edmontonian’s colorful graffiti pieces are all over Edmonton’s streets, parks, and malls.

For his latest piece, in partnership with Friends of University Hospital, health care workers filled out a survey of one word describing how they felt about the pandemic, whether it was good or bad. The artist received around 150 words and created a mural out of them. He named it Hero Haven as a tribute.

“You’ll see that there’s a lot of positive hopeful words that kind of represent this light at the end of the tunnel. But there’s also a lot of challenging emotion represented, like grief, despair, anxiety, being exhausted was one of the things that we heard the most,” said Louden.

The mural of many words took around 40 hours to create. It is currently hanging in a lounging area for the healthcare workers at the McMullen Gallery, at the University of Alberta Hospital, where it will remain there for the next six months.

Louden said he is grateful to the health care community for taking the time to respond to a survey like this, and for their service altogether.

You can view his current and previous art works on his page.



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