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2019 Solar Trade Show kicks off at NAIT

By Margie Miranda on April 26, 2019

The Solar Energy Society of Alberta held the 2019 Solar Trade Show at NAIT to promote the use of solar energy in our province.

Booths with demonstrations are placed in NAIT’s Centre for Applied Technology building.

The trade show featured exhibits, activities and experts aiming to educate participants on the advantages of using reusable energy. The event aims to boost homeowners’ energy independence by using solar panels or electric vehicles.

Minister Sohi talking about the steps Alberta has taken to be more energy efficient.

Minister of Natural Resources Amarjeet Sohi is one of the guest speakers for the event. Minister Sohi talked about developing Canada’s natural resources in an environmentally responsible way. He wants people to recognize the importance of investing in energy-efficient infrastructures that can improve livability of communities.

“We announced that we are funding $15 million for a solar farm in southern Alberta. It is an innovative project that features 91,000 solar panels that can capture the sun’s energy and will power 7,400 homes,” says Minister Sohi as he explains one of the projects the federal government is working on.

Kris Kasawski in his booth at the 2019 Solar Trade Show.

Many business that provide solar panels to consumers were at the event to explain the work they do. Kris Kasawski, founder of Park Power, expresses that using solar power reduces consumers’ electricity cost, carbon footprint and energy usage.

“80 per cent of the electricity generated is from burning fossil fuels, so people are buying power that is 80% carbon-based. If you throw solar panels on your roof and use solar power, you will be generating your own power that’s carbon-free, no greenhouse gas emissions,” says Krasawski.

City of Edmonton promoting solar energy for homes.
Dr. Sandercock presenting about renewable energy.

Dr. James Sandercock, chairman of Alternative Energy Technologies at NAIT, believes that the rise of the use of solar energy brings in jobs that he refers to as ‘solar employment’ which NAIT offers training and certificates for. Dr. Sandercock also stated that it is possible to not exceed the two degree Celsius rise in the climate by using renewable energy and decreasing greenhouse emissions.

Two degrees Celsius does not seem like a huge temperature change but the difference between today and last ice age is only five degrees Celsius. At two degress Celsius, politically we might be able to pull that off, but coral cannot live in ocean, there will be extinction of coral. We really need to do our part to save our environment.

Dr. James Sandercock, Alternative Energy Technology
A representative explaining the benefits of using an electric vehicle.
Guests had the opportunity to seat inside a Tesla vehicle.
A look inside the famous electric vehicle.

Electric Vehicle Association of Alberta brought in a bunch of electric vehicle models to NAIT for a show-and-tell. Experts and owners of EVs were also present to answer questions and demonstrate how vehicles like Tesla is a good investment and is good for the environment.

The solar industry has witnessed remarkable growth in the past decade while the cost of solar has declined by nearly 70 per cent.  Now that solar has entered the mainstream, everyday homeowners are starting to wonder how much solar could save them and how simple making the switch really could be.



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